Because this Body seems as advantagioufly compos’d for a Set of Dials as can well be contriv’d, I have calculated the Declination and reclination(or inclination) of all the Triangular Planes. Making one of the Six Squares the Base, placing another exactly South, and a third Horizontal, the other three will be East, West and North, and those Eight Triangles, each of which connect three different Squares, will then decline from the Meridian 45° 0' 00" and re(in)cline from(to) the Zenith 35° 15' 51" 80287.
叙述の理解はこれでいいでしょうか? (中川宏)
ねじれ立方体の正三角形面のうち8面は、通常の立方体の切頂でできるという理解でいいですか? (佐藤郁郎)
はい、その通りです。 (中川宏)