■「Wooden Polyhedra」刊行


  Hiroshi NAKAGAWA「Wooden Polyhedra」






  Some treasures of Hiroshi Nakagawa with respect to his masterpieces

Ikuro SATO

Hiroshi NAKAGAWA is an expert craft-worker of wooden polyhedra and this booklet is an extract from his works, including the essence of his masterpieces.

He started his first step as a craft-worker in 2000 at his age of 42. He was soon interested in the magic and mystery of wooden polyhedra. As far as I know, he seems not to have a ‘teacher’ who had instructed him in wood-craft. He had to discover for himself most of the cutting techniques.

Fortunately, he skillfully established safety methods for making wooden polyhedra. Imagine how dangerous a rolling-saw is if the wood is not stable. Firm support is fundamental to any cut. Cutting direction is classified to chamfer and truncate. The former is to cut edges and the latter is to cut vertices. The chamfered cube is not only effective to stabilize wood, but also to develop the variety of wooden polyhedra. ‘Chamfering at first and truncation at second’ is a manner of his making polyhedra.

In this booklet, he introduces some polyhedra, including Platonic, Archimedean, Catalan, Fedorov solids and ultimately 4-dimensional polytopes. The article about the regular dodecahedron is his favorite because twelve pentagons appear simultaneously as one chamfers the 12 edges of wood-cube to make the dodecahedron.

His interest is not limited in making of his works. He is interested in a surprisingly wide range of topics. I want to introduce an episode of the collaborative study of Hiroshi and J. AKIYAMA. In June 2008, an international congress was held in Moscow for celebrating the 100 years anniversary of the birth of the Russian mathematician L. S. Pontrjagin. In this congress a Japanese mathematician J. Akiyama made a lecture on the special pentahedron as an element constructing all of the Fedorov’s solids. It was a new and epoch-making theorem about parallelohedra.

In the next step, he planned to provide wooden polyhedra to both junior high-school and the supportive-school for visual handicapped so that the students can begin to understand and appreciate concrete geometry. He believes that the wooden polyhedra are useful for students to entertain, teach some mathematics and enrich their lives. The motivation of this kind is often a simple curiosity. But, in his case, it is usually a strong motive force and the trigger of his work.

In such a pleasant time, the chamfered cube, the regular dodecahedron and the special pentahedron (Pentadron) became three treasures of him. I hope this booklet will be a ‘treasure island’ in a sense for many craft-workers. At the end of this preface, I would like to express our deepest thanks to Hiroshi for helping in many ways to complete our works.





木工多面体の数理:Geometry for wood-modeling of polyhedra

中川宏、積み木インテリアギャラリー:Hiroshi NAKAGAWA, Gallery of Wooden Polypedra

佐藤郁郎、宮城県立がんセンター:Ikuro SATO, Miyagi Cancer Center

Hiroshi NAKAGAWA is an expert craft-worker of wooden-polyhedra. He planned to make wooden-polyhedron concrete so that students can begin to understand, entertain, inform and teach some mathematics. After introducing fundamentals of wood-modeling, I’m going to report a few results on tessellations of the space;

(a) with a special pentahedron only,

(b) with copies of cube, regular dodecahedron and Johnson 91.





(1) 5種類ある平行多面体を作ることができる単独空間充填五面体が存在する。この多面体は,pentadronと命名された.pentadronは数学的な意味のみならず,面心立方格子と対心立方格子をつなぐ多面体として物理的に重要な意味をもっている多面体である.

